Thursday, November 25, 2010

Awareness Is Not Enough

contributed on February 28, 2010

Just being aware of the situation is not enough.  You have to DO something about it for it to be solved.

Otherwise you can be guilty of neglect.

This is what makes me the MESSIAH.

I became aware of the threats to all of us and stuck my neck out and did something about it.  The rest of you did not much more than talk about it.

It amazes me how many people love and criticize what was said 2000 years ago but are powerless to help me in the here and now.  I stopped asking people I've known for a long time because they always had some excuse for NOT helping.  And at the risk of sounding repetitive, advice and help are not the same thing.  Don't be like the useless jerk-offs I grew up with: these people let me know in no uncertain terms "You are on your own."

The people of the world have the blood of the Burmese people on their hands.  Oh, you just became aware of the genocide Buddhist Hitler has waged for over two decades?  Why can you not DO something about it?  Of course it is your business.  You were distracted by some other conflict?  Some other disaster?  I tell you that is not a valid excuse.

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.   Making speeches and videos do not go very far, as we have seen.

You must remove the cancer.
You have to slay the monster.
The bad apple has to be removed.

You have to act and not just talk.

The clock is ticking.
God is watching.

He is much closer than you think.
P.S. Today is Thanksgiving in the USA. I am thankful that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been released from "house arrest."  But I am not completely satisfied.  Too many in Burma are still imprisoned and many too many have been slaughtered there.  I am watching day by day to see how we all participate in the events unfolding in this region of the world.

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