Monday, November 8, 2010

Good News, Bad News

from the road on September 23, 2009

Good News: Chase Bank phone calls ceased momentarily.

Bad News: They have a judgment against me and levied my bank account. I am "SOL."

To say I sometimes think about all the things I could have done differently is putting it mildly. Why would I even consider going along with a deal with the devil?

If you understood how some of the devil's agents have hooked into me, reading my thoughts, then you might understand.

Everyone associated with the Back to Basics tour deserves to be cast into the Pit for their careless disregard for my instructions and my plight. They will get no sympathy from me and no mercy.

This would be a love story if any of them could show me they loved me. They are about 13 years late. Sympathetic nods, gestures, and advice do not add up.

No wonder the rhetoric of the rest of the world is frequently anti-US and Britain. So why are you so willing to accept their money?

Lord, I cannot thank you enough. You have repeatedly kept me alive against impossible odds. You delivered where and when I predicted miracles. You give me strength when I am certain I am without. You restore me again and again when I should have died a thousand deaths or more. Holy, holy, holy is your name. Deliver my pain to my enemies. Deliver me from evil.

May you be eternally blessed.

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