Friday, November 19, 2010

Jesus! Guilty of Gloating!

shared on January 16, 2010

I admit it.  Call it gloating or call it trash talking or call it arrogance.  I know that all of God's promises are kept and all his prophesies have come true.  However, I admit to gloating over my enemies prematurely.  I've done it before but perhaps the most extreme one was just over thirteen years ago.

Again, back to 1996.

Soon after I recalled what happened in the dream where I eliminated species on other worlds, I had declared victory.   The first part of the dream I had in high school was complete.  It was not really completely finished but I knew it was almost completely done.

This lady, known as Pat, who asked me so many bizarre questions at the Mulholland Dog Park asked me the following:

Pat: What about the aliens that are still here on the surface?


I did not realize that there was still a few months left of work to be done. Also,  I obviously underestimated how much more effort my enemies would devote to attempting to eliminate me.   I expected people to do as I told them in some very specific situations.  Strength and confidence are part of what it takes to be the Messiah. Shouting as if I am the Voice of God is what it takes to convince some people in this day and age.   In a time where the volume of voices, opinions, and diversions is so loud I have to make myself, and God's accomplishments, heard.   Most of the time, I speak in a more moderate volume.

With so many lies I do have to shout my enemies down sometimes.  Otherwise I would get drowned out all the time.

I hope you understand.

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