Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My middle name is not "Fucking"

explained on June 30, 2006 and published December 22, 2009 (with a minor adjustment)


I am not Jesus Fucking Christ.

I feel like punching in everyone's face who exclaims "Jesus Fucking Christ" when something goes wrong.

You are all a bunch of fucking fucks who say that.  It speaks volumes about how uneducated you are when you curse like that.  God stated it very clearly that you were not to take His name in vain.  We would appreciate it if you would not use my name as a curse, either.

How about:

Nicole Fucking Scherzinger the next time you get mad?  God, why did we let Nicole Fucking Scherzinger fuck everything up?


I can't stand Bank of fucking America?


Those greed sons of bitches at Under fucking Armor?


God damned Catholic Fucking Church is a disgusting group of fucking fucks that did not tell us to read our fucking bibles so that we would know they have been changing that we might know their king, the Messiah, was amongst us and we should help him, and do what he tells us to do.  We had these books all this time. How come these miracles never made TV NEWS?  How is it possible the other electronic media never told us about these miracles, as well?  I guess they are a bunch of fucking fucks, too.

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