Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ambassador Carla

appropriate for September 13, 2009

Oh, Carla!
How wonderful you are.
I read in a fashion magazine
How you are saving the world.
Are you the toast of France,
The United Nations and the World?
Bah. A very successful slut is how I see you.
You set your sights on a chair
And as long as someone was sitting next to
You would springboard to a higher level.
They say you juggle a busy lifestyle
And who knows where Nick would be without you.
Is that what all of us are waiting for?
Ambassador Carla to set this world straight?
Nicole told me you WERE pretty
And surgeons certainly helped there.
I am really going to like you?
I cannot say that I do.
It has been almost 33 years since I first heard about you.
Where have YOU been all this time?
How should I know?
I still have a curse
A parasite
Lyme Disease floating around dormant, in my system
Waiting to snap back on my ass on the inside.
Foot fungus
And what's left of my foot after a drug-resistant Staph infection.
You do amuse me from afar
Because I do understand your modern day fairy tale
Like Marie Antoinette
Fighting HIV, malaria, and extremely drug resistant tuberculosis.
Maybe I will see you before I die
Or before you do.

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