Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Few More Words For The Rest of You

on September 5, 2009

If you have been chopping up the Bible your own way... you lost me a long time ago.

If you lost your focus on me because you prefer the Holy lost me a long time ago.

If you have ladies as elders telling you how to interpret my words lost me a long time ago.

If your house performs gay marriages you lost me a long time ago and need to read the update from God.

If you prefer any personality in Scripture to me ... you lost me a long time ago.

If you like making up Jesus merchandise for profit then you lost me a long time ago.

If you think you know me better than I do then you lost me a long time ago.

If you thank me for something I didn't do then you lost me a long time ago.

If you call me your friend but you have no idea where I live then you lost me a long time ago.

If you love me but try to kill me then you lost me a long time ago.

If you think not doing what I tell you to do or what is right or ignore all my warnings then you lost me a long time ago.

If you still live in a fairy tale then you lost me a long time ago.

If you can tell me to my face or on the phone I am not who I say I am then you lost me a long time ago.

If you only see me for the outside and still don't understand my birthmarks, mole, dot, and eyes of the Resurrection and soul then you lost me a long time ago.

If you think homeless Jesus is sad but refuse to do anything about it then you lost me a long time ago.

If you want to slow me down in order to keep your business going then you lost me a long time ago.

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